The Heroic Age - A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe


[General Editor] Michelle Ziegler

The Heroic Age is a free online journal dedicated to the study of Northwestern Europe from the Late Roman Empire to the advent of the Norman Empire. This journal is intended to be for the use of professionals, students, and amateurs alike and will consider submissions from all of the above. It is our intent to publish twice a year. The Heroic Age is a peer reviewed, academic journal. [...] Our focus is on the early medieval Northwestern Europe, augmented by explorations of their relations with the rest of Europe. We will investigate this period across ethnic and disciplinary boundaries, including - but not limited to - history, archaeology, literature, and legends of Britain, Ireland, northern Gaul, and Scandinavia. Literary topics can include works composed in this time period or later medieval works that pertain to or are set in this period. Examples of acceptable literary topics include: the Arthurian tales, the Charlemagne cycle, Beowulf, early Welsh and Irish poetry and prose, the Viking sagas and the Eddas, the vitas of 4th-11th century saints, and the works of later medieval authors who wrote of this period, such as William of Malmesbury and Geoffrey of Monmouth. [self-description]
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Thomas Meyer
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